Root Canals In Las Vegas
Root canal therapy is a dental procedure used to repair a damaged or diseased tooth. It involves removing the infected or damaged nerve tissue and pulp from inside the tooth, cleaning the chamber, and sealing it with a special material.
A pulpectomy is the first step in a root canal procedure. Pulpectomies are performed to treat teeth with infected pulp or abscesses. This process involves the removal of the infected or damaged nerve tissue and pulp from inside the tooth.
We are happy to report that, despite their bad reputation, root canals hardly ever cause pain during or after a procedure. Typically, the dental team applies local anesthesia to numb the area of the gum and tooth being treated.
A root canal is usually necessary when a tooth has been severely damaged due to decay, trauma, or infection. If the damage is severe enough, it can be painful and will require a root canal to repair the affected area and protect the tooth from further harm. It is important to monitor any changes in your teeth, such as discomfort and swelling, so that you can get the appropriate treatment before the damage becomes too extensive.
When a person needs a root canal, it means that the nerve of their tooth is damaged, infected, or dead, meaning the tooth’s interior needs to be removed to preserve the tooth. On the other hand, tooth extraction is when a tooth cannot be saved and must be removed completely from its socket in the jawbone.
During root canal treatment, you can expect that we will discuss the procedure with you in detail and answer any questions you have. Our friendly and attentive dentist and her team will examine your mouth, take an X-ray of your teeth, and then perform the root canal.
During the procedure, you will be kept comfortable with local anesthesia and access to a pain management plan. There may be some soreness or pain following the root canal, for which your dentist may prescribe pain medication. Lastly, your dentist may recommend a follow-up appointment for a post-treatment check.
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